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Enchanted Exploration

silver and gold compass on black leather
On our city trip to Prague we went to a
Royal Alcazar of Seville
Wander & Wonder
Stories & Symbols
 Journey Within
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Vision From the Fortress

Welcome to the Fortress. This is a place of solace for outsiders, those looking to take different paths and diverge from the status quo. Here we aim to reclaim our attention and gain a new level of awareness, to see the enchantment all around us.


From the fortress, we explore both the outer world and our inner worlds with curiosity, courage and compassion.  Wander and wonder, gain wisdom and grow, heal and become the hero of your story. Believe that your passions have purpose.When we follow our bliss and live as our highest selves, the effect ripples to every setting and character we encounter. Step out of the mundane and into the magic.


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